Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sleeping 'til Spring

I don’t sleep well….well, I don’t sleep. I wonder if it’s age
or just January. It’s always been a difficult month for me.
Bleak, gray days, the crescendo of the holiday season crashing,
and an anniversary that haunts me still. January in Tennessee
sucks for the most part; but I cajole myself. It’s a new century,
there has to be more, doors will open, despite those that have
closed. I try to be hopeful. I do. Still, it’s so fucking gray.
I slump into a slump. I miss my friends. I get lonely. I feel
lost…and I keep asking myself what comes next?
I’ve always been impatient. Never good at sit still and be
quiet or wait and see…I wanna know now. I like having a
plan or at least some idea. I’ve got a whole lot of no idea
just now…but if it wasn’t January, I suspect a whole lot of
not knowing might be okay.

So, I remind myself that it’s only a month ‘til the wildflowers break
through frozen ground. Spring springs, sky opens up to blue,
life sprouts daily and hope cascades

Spring is worth the waiting…and the wondering.


  1. Ugh - you are so right. It's so grey and I'm so tired of it. But it'll be worth the wait when all that color breaks through in the spring! Stay warm, my friend!

  2. You too...out there in the frozen West. Is there much snow in SLC?
